My Thoughts On Made Of Honor

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So lately I've been super bored, haven't been able to write as much because my shitty as all fuck wireless keyboard. I've taken to working on various crafting projects while letting really bad movies drone on in the background. And lucky you, I will now review such a movie for you.

I don't think I could have possibly chosen a more nauseating movie to review, honestly. There are dumpsters that are more appealing than this movie. Port a potties. Maggots. All of these I much prefer to Made Of Honor.

A direct gender reversed My Best Friend's Wedding, Made Of Honor presents to us Hannah and Tom, two platonic best friends of a decade.

After a particularly unfunny "how we met" introduction, we open on Tom, Patrick Dempsey's completely unsympathetic character, leaving another one of his vapid blonde happy time Sallys. Is she a prostitute? Merely a regular "girlfriend" that allows herself to be patronized like one? Its unclear. What IS clear is that Tom, the millionaire and perpetual horndog, is *gasp* EMOTIONALLY DISTANT. Cue violins. Gee, I bet the woman he ultimately falls in love with will be brunette and take none of his crap!

We're hustled along to his father's wedding, to which he's invited Hannah, (played by Michelle Monaghan). Ole Daddy is on his seventh, no sixth! wedding. And to a BIMBO! An alcoholic one at that! OMG LULZ she's still signing the prenup in the limo, and negotiating how many BJs a month! What a poignant comment on the farce that American marriages have become. We watch and cringe as Alcoholic Bimbette #6 demands that Tom "treat him like a real mom". The humanity! Its enough to make Tom and Hannah just wanna bond over some cake. OMG look at them play fight with their forks! They have chemistry!

20 minutes into the movie, it becomes clear that they want you to adore Tom. He's just so nice. A little charming. What's not to like? Actually I struggle to find what IS to like. He's rich, but treats women little better than prostitutes...but I guess since he has a soft voice, and a nice smile, we're supposed to sympathize with his commitment phobia, applaud his "I only call once a week" standards, and laugh when he says Hannah is an I Love You slut? Please.

The movie continues as Tom goes about business as usual, hanging with buddies and playing basketball while celebrating his sex 'em and leave 'em lifestyle. He expresses relief that "he still has Hannah", no matter how many meaningless dalliances he racks up. Among his b-ball buddies is a bonafied nerd--see, he's not a snob! What a guy. Another friend, the Token Black, opines that his "get the sex from the bimbos, and emotional fulfillment from Hannah" philosophy is unfair. To whom? To Hannah. Because of course a woman with a meaningful friendship with a person of the opposite sex just *has* to get a romantic relationship out of it. There's no way that having vapid emotionless sex could be cheating TOM at all. No way.

As the story meanders along, he again romances another blond bimbette (or is it the same one? I can't tell). We begin to see the first inklings that maybe, just maybe he's starting to "figure it out". Oh no! She isn't as creative or coordinated as Hannah! How tedious. What a waste of that fake blond hair and plastic boobs.

Oh now he's eating cake! The very same flavors of cake he and Hannah playfully fought over at the wedding! Gosh he must be suffering inside.

Apparently, the cake is magic cake, 'cause Tom has suddenly realized that his life is shallow and empty with all that meaningless sex. He might LOVE Hannah. And its time to tell her! He picks a time and sets the wheels in motion, certain that Hannah will say "Why, of course I'm ready to be taken off the back burner!" and they'll live happily ever after.

Of course, the opportunity to tell her turns into the "meet my new fiance!" dinner, all very out of the blue. For being such close friends, its amazing that he hadn't a clue what she was going to tell him, whirlwind romance or no. And of course, the premise of the film (and I use that term loosely): Hannah wants Tom to be the MOH. Yes, MOH. They actually keep calling it that in the movie. As in Mo. Yeah. I know its dumb. Tell that to them.

Hannah's bridesmaids of course feel awkward about the arrangement, especially would-be MOH, Melissa, a past conquest gone bad. A few "you're a misogynist" and "you're a man" barbs get thrown back and forth, while Tom questions the "fat girl's" Master Cleanse diet (as if that will redeem him in the viewer's eyes he just offended by calling a former lover a man). We're not buying it, Tom. You're not the type of guy that even blinks when an overweight girl goes on a liquid diet. In fact, Tom would seem like the type to encourage it if his bed fellows are any indication.

Tom decides what he needs at the moment is more basketball with the token nerd, token black guy, and traditional "he's just as good looking as me" guy. Only this time Colin, Hannah's new fiance, has joined them! That's not awkward at all! A dick comparison shower scene ensues, but without showing any of the goods. Disappointment abounds. Between Colin's humongo gigantadick and the oh so casually dropped detail that Colin is a Scottish Duke, we're meant to understand that he is a formidable foe.

Moving on, Hannah has to travel to Scotland to work out some wedding arrangements. Since Colin's family is royalty, its not so easy to just up and get married to some American commoner. Tom accompanies her as a good MOH should. Of course, as Hannah meets with the priest, Tom takes the opportunity to demonstrate how much better he knows Hannah than Hannah knows Colin. Sadly, it seems to work on Hannah, who seems touched.

Back home, as Tom is saddled with making baskets for the bridal shower (which he, as the MOH, has completely planned), he recruits his friends to help...because we all know how easy it is to make your male friends join you in ribbon curling. Tom must be a really thoughtful and caring guy to do that, right? The lone dissenter, bemoaning his sperm count, is supposed to make the scene more feasible, but it fails massively. The bridal shower isn't much better, as the fat girl's liquid diet and Tom's "fornicating" become comedy fodder. Melissa, still angry with Tom, sabotages some of the arrangements and Hannah blows up at Tom after a dildo saleswoman stuns and embarrasses most of the party. How they managed to make a scene with a dildo saleswoman (and one played by Mary Birdsong at that) completely unfunny, I'll never understand.

Frustrated with being unceremoniously fired thanks to Melissa's meddling, Tom goes into MOH boot camp, which seems incongruous with his determination to steal her from Colin. Does he want to give her the best wedding, only to replace the groom? We don't get to find out. We're too busy watching Melissa and Tom pick out china patterns while he tries to prove he's a "changed man" (and not you know, a man changed temporarily in order to get what he wants). His peeping on her in the dressing room as she tries on lingerie reveals he's still the same old scumdog. "Made of honor", indeed.

A post-shopping stroll has Hannah revealing to Tom that she will be moving to Scotland directly after the wedding. Again we're left to ask, if they're so close then how come she hasn't been forthcoming with every detail? Even worse, we're still supposed to sympathize with this rich playboy who seeks to rip his best friend away from a well-hung Scottish duke who makes her happy, all to reclaim what he so clearly thinks belongs to him. Is this honor?

Tom decides to go cry on Daddy's shoulder, having a heartfelt, whiskey fueled talk in which, of course, Daddy dearest admits that the only woman he ever loved, the woman Who Got Away and Made Him The Way He Is, was Tom's mother. Without missing a beat, he then announces his divorce. Boy that sure lightened up the scene!

The wedding party arrives in Scotland. Tom is feeling emasculated at every turn, as Colin's money and family estate are cause for embarrassment in comparison to his...good looks and millions of dollars. Huh. Colin's family thinks Tom is gay. Hannah seems hesitant about her hair do and wedding sash. Colin and Tom go head to head in various feats of strength. Lots of kilts, but no penises or kilt checks. Tom does destroy a beautiful vintage car though. Oh the lulz.

As the day wears on, Hannah finds herself not adjusting well to Colin's family traditions, his love of hunting and...UH OH! He won't share his cake! But Tom always shares HIS cake! WTF?!???!!! She's definitely supposed to be with Tom. He takes Hannah on a stroll the next morning to tell her how he feels, which Hannah mistakes for an attempt at helping her with her vows. Later, a contrived opportunity for a kiss finds our twosome suddenly making out in a pub.

That night, a very drunk Melissa shows up at Tom's door and more or less starts to rape him. This is our "terrible misunderstanding" scene. Hannah of course sees what's going on and runs off, horribly upset that a platonic friend she's not engaged to was possibly messing around with someone else. Through a closed door, they finally have the talk they were meant to have. Hannah strikes some of the biggest chords in the movie as she says what the viewer knows already is true: he waited too long, he isn't trustworthy, and he's only doing this because he's afraid of losing her. Tom of course "can't deal" and does some of his own running off the next morning.

Luckily, a border collie convinces him to go back at the last second to make one last stab at ruining Hannah's entire life. A stolen horse, a few impossible jumps, and a "How the hell would that man not get thrown?"s later, he successfully arrives at the church. Thrown off the horse finally, as it were. Headfirst. Through the church doors. After being roused from his concussion by Hannah, he finally makes his big speech, as Colin's family and friends inexplicably look on without so much as a peep. Colin cries as Hannah returns his ring. Again, we're left to wonder how the nice, rich, Scottish, well hung duke is somehow not perfect for Hannah, but the shallow inconsiderable playboy is. Oh wait I forgot. They have cute fights over cake. Colin gets in one good punch to Tom's kisser. Probably my favorite part of the movie. The ending is as predictable as they come, I won't even bother typing it out.

All in all, it was pretty contrived and the dialogue was uninteresting, though I do give them props for using the beautiful Scottish countryside to their advantage. The movie was also well edited, which seems pathetic when you consider its one of the only well executed things about the entire movie.

Made of Honor= made of crap.

My Initial Impression Of The Ugly Truth

Friday, July 24, 2009

No, I haven't seen it, but sometimes the movie poster is all you need to know. There doesn't seem to be a tagline on any of the posters for this *cough* film, but if I wrote one, it'd say "He thinks with his dick. She thinks with her heart. Let the sexual hijinks ensue!"

Mamma Mia!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I'm watching Mamma Mia right now. A few thoughts:

First off, I'm glad I didn't drag my friends to this film. I had amazing success cuckolding unsuspecting males into seeing the Sex and the City movie, and I was going to attempt said success again with MM. Looking back, I'm so glad I didn't. The only justifiable payback for putting a male-type through this movie is anal sex.

Second, I'm struggling to remember why I liked musicals so much as a kid. I suspect it has something to do with, um...that's all I was allowed by my fundamentalist parents to watch. Singing In The Rain, despite its themes of sabotage and Hollywood intrigue, was deemed suitable. Simpsons was not. I have a feeling I would have been absorbing South Park and Jackass had I been allowed, but as it was, this is the shite I had to put up with regularly.

But as I'm watching this I'm reminded of how embarrassing it is to watch musical numbers on the screen. Admit it. Its downright embarrassing.

There was actually a musical number with, inexplicably, a mariner playing the piano on the dock while throngs of middle aged women played air guitar.

Pierce Brosnan sounds vaguely like Borat when he sings. Nice.

Anyway, I'm sure this is decent enough. I'm just not entirely willing to find out. I was sure I'd worship this movie forever and own a copy and make mental love to it by watching it over and over and over but as it is...I just want to cry for every single person who signed up for it. Instead of replacing my dildo with it, I just want to use it as a clay pigeon during shooting practice.

Bruno can suck it....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

...but you know he'd just love it TOO MUCH. Har Har.

I won't lie. I absolutely loved this film.

It was beyond hilarious.

It was shocking of course, more shocking the Borat even. I was so very uncomfortable for most of this movie... so you KNOW it's good.

The funny thing is, it's passed off as brainless humor just meant to shock, but in reality, it's actually fucking brilliant. It achieves the same thing as Borat, making people look like fucking idiots. Just instead of foreigners, it's with gays. But letting people's own words make them sound so foolish is just... priceless.

Homophobes are just too fucking hilarious.

There was an overall feeling of "We gotta top Borat" to the film, but it was achieved... greatly.

For 100% of the film, I was entertained. I loved how after 10 minutes people were already walking out. I work at the theatre and warned people of the severity of the film and they still took their children inside... only to RUN out 15 minutes later. We've done more refunds for this movie then any other one I've seen so far.

When people run from a film, you know it's awesome.

So... Sascha, I love you, I really do. Good job you win.

If Movie Posters Were Honest Pt. 2-- My Best Friend's Wedding

Monday, June 1, 2009

My impression of the movie can be summed up thusly. Click here for part one.

If Movie Posters Were Honest Pt 1: He's Just Not That Into You

Just whipped this up, click to enlarge. (If used, credit Movies That Can Suck It.)



Fuck Spiderman.

This is where you rightfully belong.

This movie had the ability to scare the shit out of me and yet make me overjoyed at the same time. I can't believe it's pg13, I think the rating system is changing.


that is all.



My big fuckin' movie dump

Sorry I'm busy like... all the time.

But no worries, I am here to fill your bad movie needs.

Since it's been a while I've decided to review a few movies today that I have recently seen.

We'll start with Terminator Salvation

Now... I have a lot of mixed feelings about this film. It was better then Judgment Day for fucking sure, (is it me or did Nick Stahl just play the most pussy ass version of John Connor?) but it also is in this completely different category then the other films.

So lets start with the good shall we? (since I always love to save the best bits for last)

I was concerned when I heard they would have a young Kyle Reese, I mean I knew if they were to make more then the first three it was unavoidable... but he seemed to be just one of the really special characters from the original. He was probably my favorite, and I did not know who would be able to fill those shoes and actually not piss me off.... but holy crap, where did Anton Yelchin come from? Not only was I impressed, I ended up loving the character even MORE then I originally did.

I have seen the kid before, in Alpha Dog and Charlie Bartlett. I remember watching his final scene in Alpha Dog and thinking about how good of a actor he was and hoping I'd see him again in the future. And god damn it, thanks for not letting me down Anton!!! I look forward to finally watching Star Trek(I am such a procrastinator lol) because of this kid. I didn't even want to see it before.

Ok moving on, the terminators were badass. I even enjoyed the cg Arnold, it was only right they put him in there anyway.

I have to admit I chuckled when they made the bad terminator "I'll be back" joke.

I think Christian Bale did a good job even though he really wasn't in the film as much as I assumed he would be. (Some found a lot of issues with it, but I rather liked how they did that)

I love that Helena Boham Carter just showed up as the weird character as she does so often and SO fucking well.

Umm.... I understood why they did it the way they did, and the action sequences were a lot of fun.

Um... yeah I think that's it.

Now... onto the good stuff.



I have no real words. SO instead I am going to post a letter to Hollywood. A letter by my dear friend James.

"Dear Hollywood,

I will gladly pay you $12 to see musician Common brutally massacred in the next Terminator installment.

Please have him succumb to one of the following fates:

• Evisceration
• Draw and quartering
• Ground into paste
• Gutted like a fish
• Ripped in half
• Spine extraction through the stomach
• Multiple pulverizations starting at the feet and working upward
• Slow-motion Steamroll
• Terminator high five head clap
• All of the above (be creative)

Please do not use one of the following copout pieces of trash:

• Heart punch
• Thrown into metal wall multiple times
• Stepped on
• Shot
• Accidental dismemberment
• Accidental retardation
• Swine flu
• Radiation poisoning
• Cancer
• Electrocution

If by chance you cannot come up with a suitable way to pull off one of the aforementioned acceptable deaths, please consider creating a new breed of terminator dedicated to each death, and film a clip of all to be voted on by you’re viewing public.

Also, just an instant before his much anticipated demise, please include a cut off version of his catchphrase, “It’s beautiful”. A perfect execution of an acceptable death mid phrase is absolutely critical and must be viewed from several angles simultaneously in order to ensure that we, the viewing public, can be sure the character has been fired from life and the franchise forever."

James has spoken.

My biggest problem was Common.

That and I hate how it got you all pumped with action and then after that it was like.. non stop talking.


I hated how Sam Worthington's character I kept mistaking for a professional wrestler the entire movie which made me forget what was going on.


I hated that every time Christian Bale screamed all I could think of was his leaked freakout rant.


Although I should be thankful, he at lease didn't do the Batman voice. Damn that voice is irritating. (Don't hate Batman lovers, I am a big fan of the comics and the films. I just find it funny when he talks like that no matter who it's to... even if it's Lucius or something who knows he is Bruce Wayne. Example: scene in TDK with the sonar screens... seriously wtf? He's just too into character I guess? Moving on.... another post for another day.)

I like how they at least got something done in the film, even though I am confused as to why there are so few machines at the final destination... seeing as it's a facility dedicated to building them. But I knew the entire battle could not be won in one movie, so I am glad they god something done. I just think if John Connor and Kyle Reese are there they should probably send more then one machine to each person...

I thought the ended was a little homo.... "Everyone deserves a second chance" Oh.. blah shut up. I'm surprised John Connor and Marcus didn't hold hands before surgery, and cried.



Why do the terminators have teeth? I mean really... it just seems unnecessary.... as do a lot of things in this movie.



Overall I'd say I did like the movie. I'd change some things but whatever.

Oh and make is rated R next time, I wanna hear some f-bombs.

Next post: DRAG ME TO HELL


Revenge Of The Nerds

Monday, May 18, 2009

Classic 80s film that ushered in the "nerds are cool" era. Completely cheesy. Ends with what basically amounts to rape (seriously girls, isn't that rape? Being tricked into having sex with someone you'd otherwise never have sex with?), and Timothy Busfield playing a wireless violin that seems to double as a Yamaha keyboard. Watch only if you want to understand more Family Guy jokes.

That's about all you need to know.

Too busy....

Too god damn busy killing off Twilight "stars" to update. (Also I have a killer sinus infection.)

Johnny Depp approves.

Star Trek

Saturday, May 9, 2009

So, I just got a job at a movie theater. Which is most excellent because I am required to see every piece of crap movie that comes through there, NEW WRITING MATERIAL YAY!

Now I haven't seen Star Trek yet, but passing by the theater as the door opened while it was playing and hearing just the word, "CUPCAKE!" being screamed in a very serious tone, I can only assume it's chalk full of awesome...

So in honor of Star Trek, I give you this.

Until then, enjoy.


Zack And Miri Make A Porno

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Few things before I start this review. 1, I'm a fan of Kevin Smith movies. I like his irreverent and insane sense of humor. But his character and plot development is weak. I like him, but that doesn't mean I won't scrutinize him. 2, when I sat down to watch this movie, I was far from being in the mood. My beloved cat Charlie died young and unexpectedly the day before I watched this movie. Yeah. I was not in the mood to be entertained, and I had my doubts that I'd be drawn in to the film. So I braced myself.

And to my surprise, I enjoyed it as much as anyone possibly could with their cat having died the day before.

A few complaints. This definitely falls under the "rom-com" category, but the "rom" part can be a little hard to believe. Seth Rogan's character Zack is so off beat and sex obsessed that his brief and not so smooth transition into lovesick fool rings a little insincere. Several jokes with Elizabeth Bank's character Miri would have worked much better if Elizabeth was not in fact gorgeous. And I'm sorry, the scene where all the actors pitch in to pay for the utility bill was just sloppily written, and a little *too* hard to believe.

But when Kevin Smith falls, Seth Rogen will catch him. This movie is hilarious, and while the material they were given is excellent, its Seth Rogan's
performance that ties it all together. While he's spouting off his lines, you hear the typical Kevin Smith schtick hidden within, but Seth brings a breath of fresh air to the delivery. He makes it work and he makes it unique. That is no easy feat. Smith often writes his character's lines from the same perspective. Sure, there are exceptions (is anyone quite like Jay and Silent Bob?) but for the most part, it seems as though Smith has spent little time trying to write from the world view of a well thought out character. What we wind up with is a litany of carbon copy neurotic losers who act as a mere vehicle for Kevin Smith's inner rants.

Luckily, Seth completely compensates in this area. He makes the movie well worth watching.

Jason Mewes was delightful and I liked seeing the depths he can go to now that he's sober. It wasn't an Oscar worthy performance (or role for that matter) but it was enjoyable and reminded me that he is in fact talented. Craig Robinson (who seems to be playing the token black dude a lot lately) actually *gasp* plays a slightly different personality for once. A cameo from Tisha Campbell-Martin as his wife was both hilarious and terrifying.

I'm not fond of Elizabeth Banks, and as I said, a lot of the jokes and the story would have made more sense if she wasn't so pretty. But she was competent in this film, and managed to bring a spark of individuality that most Kevin Smith heroines aren't given a chance to develop (for instance, Rosario Dawson's in Clerks 2 felt stale and uninspired, and I often wondered if Smith had given a single thought to character motivation when he wrote her.)

Over all I give this film at least a solid B plus. This is the best Kevin Smith movie since....well, at least Dogma.

Dragonball Evolution

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"The legend comes to life"


Ok, so I decided since I've been on a Dragonball/DBZ/DBGT kick for the past few weeks, I'd check out this film. I've been a HUGE fan of the manga and anime since I was a kid.

Now, I went in with somewhat low expectations.

But... dear fucking god, it was even worse then I expected!

Ok, so to start, the things I didn't hate(since it's a very short list).

Piccolo's voice was pretty much spot on, and he looked somewhat like I imagined a real life version of him would look.
Yamcha's voice, also SPOT ON.

Goku seemed like Goku in two short parts of the film, once where he is stuffing his face(as he tends to do in the series) and then when he is taunting some kids fighting him.

Master Roshi was still kinda the pervy Master Roshi we all know.

That's... it.

The rest made me so angry I don't even know where to begin.
Bulma was a "badass" WHAT THE FUCK. Bulma is supposed to bitch and moan the whole time. She's not badass, she's supposed to be annoying. She doesn't fight, she screams and runs.
Yamcha is supposed to be afraid of girls... not smooth... and not... blonde.
Who the FUCK is that chick supposed to be with Piccolo?
There is virtually no action and when there is it's like the director REALLLLLLY wanted to be Zack Snyder and failed terribly.
Goku does not meet Chi Chi in high school and WTF why is she so nice?! Where is the stubborn Chi Chi we all know and love?!?!?
Did these people who made the film even attempt to read the manga or watch the series?!
HOW does Goku transform without his tail.
Why does Piccolo have control over him when he transforms?
Why does he transform at an eclipse and not a full moon?
why do the dragonballs show him the future?
Why is this movie only an hour and 20 minutes? You know what that is in DB time? Shit if it were realistic, they'd be powering up the whole time.
Why does Goku and his grandfather Gohan know about the Nameks? And why are they all concidered evil? Piccolo and Kami don't find out who they are and where they come from until the Vegeta saga in Z, and Nameks are peaceful!!!!!!

There is no character development.
What the fuck happens to Piccolo.
Not this dinky little lame ass thing.


A lot more.

But fuck it. I'm done, I just wanna wash my brain out with some bleach.

In fact, I'd rather stare at this for an hour and 20 minutes:


You all OWE me for sitting through this shitpile.

Friday, March 20, 2009

and yes, there are spoilers, get the fuck over it.

Jesus fucking Christ. That was the longest two hours I've ever spent having to sit through the equivalent of watching a dog poo in slow motion.

So, Twilight comes out tomorrow on Dvd and BluRay, and I am here to tell you, please god, do not waste your money just to watch the thoughts of a lonely, possibly fat, girl from a small town expressing that the only reason the most popular guy in high school didn't like her is because he had to be a vampire... not because ya know... she's disgusting and from FORKS WAHINGTON.

Let me tell you all something about Forks, Washington. I grew up in the town next to it, in Port Angeles(which also makes an apperence in the film) and the way it has been protrayed in this film, is NOTHING like the actual place.

The father of Bella in the film was about the closest thing to someone resembling someone from Forks, Washington(just need some more mullet and incest).

Here's what Bella would actually look like driven in a fantasy world of vampires:

(actual photo of a Forks resident)

...and Edward?

Well... a flannel and a fucking rat tail. Omg wouldn't it be so fucking funny if he had one? GOD. "Let's go for a Vampire ride on my back and I can feel the wind flowing through my rat tail as it brushes into your face." HOT. He'd probably wear sneakers and sweat pants and always smelled like pee.

He's probably always have dirt on his face.

The reality of it is, Forks is a place of flannels, Rainer beer(which they did seem to get that right in the film) driving shitty cars with confederate flags...


I'm not racist, the city of Forks is, don't believe me? Visit there with a person of "color" and see how well you get treated.

I dated a guy once, and he had moved to my city and every time I asked him where he was from, he'd dodge the question.... eventually he told me he was from Forks. You know what I did?

I dumped him.

So.... trying to get past the fact that they tried to glamour up a hick town (and btw, every year Forks has prom in a barn. No I am not fucking kidding.), I continued to watch the film...

Both of these actors have the same acting range as Keanu Reeves.
In fact, if Keanu played as Edward and opposite himself in a wig as Bella, I guarantee this film would kick a lot more ass. HAHAHA

I quickly found numerous other problems. Such as, I am convinced the chick who played Bella(and wtf is up with her under bite.... it scared me), is a man. And I am also convinced that Edward likes it when she puts it in his butt.

Let's go for a Vampire ride... awwwwww yeahhhhhh.

Another issue I can't seem to ignore, why is it that it constantly looks like EVERYONE in the film is jizzing in their pants?

The plot was weak... and instead of vampires burning in the sunlight, on really nice days they get glittery skin.... I fucking rolled when he was covered in glitter all serious like, "This is what I am, this is the skin of a killer" LAWLZ!!!!! Or the skin of someone FABULOUS!!!!

That's it, the big secret skin. HA.

"It's like diamonds!" BLING BLING MUTHAFUCKA.

God then some other gay ass vampire want to drink her blood or whatever and Edward is all "I have to protect you" because the writer probably thought that the reason guys never touched her growing up was because they were practicing "self control and respect" when in reality that bitch had crabs.

I dunno, the day is saved and he controls himself by not drinking all her blood or some shit. At this point I was just begging for the credits to roll.

I guess if you're a 13 yr old girl pushing 250 lbs and dreaming of vampires and renaissance fairs, this book/movie is totally for you. If you're not a moron, you'll know to stay as far away as possible from this crap.

Oh man I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Don't do it. Just don't. Save yourself.

Wanna watch a GOOD vampire flick? Check out,"Let The Right One In." Now THAT is a good movie.



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Remembering to update this thing has been a royal pain lately. I just am waiting to come across something horrible as apposed to watching something I know will completely fail. But life seems so much more important.

I've been debating sitting through Twilight, because I think I might have WAY too much fun making fun of that movie. Yeah, why not, fuck it, I'm going to download it because I'd never spend a dollar on that shit and watch it and let you all know what I think, besides the book takes place and was filmed in a town right by where I grew up... too much fun.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So, hey kids. I wanna say sorry for the complete lack of updates, but you see, I have a 5 month old baby. So cut me some slack.

But today I am writing simply out of a debate going on in my head.

Russell Brand has a special coming on Comedy Central. And I know if I watch it, it'll be a for sure suck fest, and I'd have something to write about... BUT, do I really wanna sit through the comedy antics of RUSSELL BRAND? The preview pisses me off, I can't imagine the special will be any better. "Oh I am so fucking cool and funny and edgy cuz I read my hate mail on stage and call it comedy... "

Fuck Russell Brand, ugh.

So.... do I sit down, and torture myself for the good of anyone wondering if it's good? Or do I not bother because if you have to question if Russell Brand sucks or not, I don't want you reading this page either.


riddle me that fuckers.


The Heartbreak Kid Sucked

Monday, February 16, 2009

Yeah, a big ole suck fest. I can sum it up in a mere few sentences:

OMG antics! Ben Stiller is doin' antics! I love antics. With the funny faces and the arm flailing, you know? Let's all go to Ben Stiller's latest movie where he does another round of those ANTICS!

Hee hee, bachelors with relationship issues are funny.

You can hear Jerry Stiller thinking, "Must. Put new spin. On. My. Only Role."

Malin Akerman continues to prove that she'll do anything *anything* anything to get the part. Itty Bitty Titty Committee upper waist shots abound.

Donkey shows: rarely funny. Upping the ante by showing a mounting donkey with a boner: desperate and not funny at all. Pretending the lead female has had sex with a donkey: so desperate, I can see those wavy lines emanating like the mirage of water on a hot summer day. Even the donkey was rolling his eyes at that shit.

Conclusion: few laughs. Ben Stiller plays the same old hapless neurotic who is difficult to empathize with. The premise is cruel and boring. Miranda, played by Michelle Monaghan, is delightful, but we never see enough of her to truly fall for her charm. Her family is equally lovable, but the film never fully utilizes the potential of the characters. All in all, it was a good lesson in mediocrity.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My sister is out of town or some shit so I can't tell her suggestions about funny shit to post.

So I'm just gonna post it on here. I do what I waaaant.

Ohhhh... Christian Bale. Christian. Christian. Christian.

Such a princess.... Christian Bale.

So TMZ recorded Christian freaking the fuck out on a DP for walking into the shot while checking a light. I'm sure you readers are somewhat aware of this... listening to the clip of him screaming at this guy is both hilarious and scary. I guess they recorded it so they can send it to the insurance company if he decides to leave the film. But while this may be slightly interesting.... I really just wanted to post a video.... of a remix of his screaming in a techno dance song.

Don't you just wanna DANCE?!?!?



I can die happy now.


Repo! The Genetic Opera

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Now, this was a toughy for me.

Cheesy songs, PARIS HILTON... all the signs of a terrible movie...

but I loved it.

This is why I have somewhat of a difficult time seeing myself as a film critic, because... I love BAD movies.

I think it's this generation's Rocky Horror. It's weird, insane and completely entertaining. It also stars some brilliantly amazing people, such as Nivek Ogre, singer of Skinny Puppy(I'm a goth kid, what can I say?). He has always had such a delightful voice and seeing it in this film was wonderful, my only complain was he didn't get enough screen time and he should have had his own solo song. Also in the film, Bill Moseley. He is the best thing to happen to the horror genre in a really long time, I was lucky enough to meet him and discuss this film with him before it's released, and he did not disappoint!

and then... there is Paris Hilton. And you want to hate her, but she plays... pretty much herself. Obsessed with surgeries, wants to take over the family business and be a singer but is... unsuccessful. In fact, there is one point where she is twirling on stage, knocking shit over, and HER FACE FALLS OFF. I lost it, funniest thing I've seen since Tera Reid's stomach.

LOOK I got a screencap!

How could you not love that?

Storyline from IMDB, if you care:

"In the year 2056 - the not so distant future - an epidemic of organ failures devastates the planet. Out of the tragedy, a savior emerges: GeneCo, a biotech company that offers organ transplants, for a price. Those who miss their payments are scheduled for repossession and hunted by villainous Repo Men. In a world where surgery addicts are hooked on painkilling drugs and murder is sanctioned by law, a sheltered young girl searches for the cure to her own rare disease as well as information about her family's mysterious history. After being sucked into the haunting world of GeneCo, she is unable to turn back, as all of her questions will be answered at the wildly anticipated spectacular event: The Genetic Opera."

It was fun.

Amazon users who purchase "Repo!" also bought:

(all films listed above are good.)


John Tucker Must Die

Monday, January 19, 2009

You know, this is the first time I agree with a high school movie. John Tucker indeed, should die.... but so should EVERY OTHER CHARACTER in this film.

God I could feel my IQ lowering as I watched this movie, I felt like Simple Jack by the time I got near the end.

First off, can you PLEASE stop casting people in their late 20's/early 30's to play high school student? I am having a hard time believing some of these "kids" are in high school when I can see winkles forming.

And the story? "Oh the most popular guy in school is a man whore LET'S GET EM GIRLS despite our complete cliche differences!" So... like... this like.. plan is like.. SO ORIGINAL.

and who saves the day? OF COURSE, the underDOG. I emphasize on DOG for a reason. Jesus can you at least pick someone who looks female?

What's up with them having technology like the damn FBI in the film? Little cameras to attach to the bra? Is the government funding the downfall of John Tucker?

Why not just send him to Guantanamo Bay? I mean, obviously these girls got connections.

So.... this movie is supposed to be about 17/18 yr olds getting even with the high school man slut, but what really comes across is people desperately trying to remain young(they could only make it worse if they wore shirts like "You say 'Bitch' like it's a bad thing" or "Princess"), getting "even" with a guy from their "school" with completely unrealistic, IMPOSSIBLE ideas.

I hate Ashanti. I hate her so much I can't even say anything about her, because I won't stop.

Where was my bra cam with amazing video and sound when I was in 11th grade? Where was my slumber parties with the high school head cheerleader, the smart one.. and.. what was the last one? Just the slutty one? Well... sluttier. Because like... we connect over a guy like OMG. Where is my super awesome 18th birthday party where a thousand people show and I get two whores in a cake?

Oh that's right, that's not what happens in high school.

And John Tucker didn't even die. WTF?

on, look at what the idiots are buying along with this piece of crap:



Lars And The Real Girl

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Now before you get your crusty, skidmarked panties in a twist about Lars And The Real Girl being reviewed on a site called Movies That Can Suck It, let me explain. First off, fuck you, we'll review what we want here. Second, this movie did suck in one capacity: its a little harder to enjoy a movie when you're so concerned for the lead character. I almost cried. And I didn't even cry when my own child was born. So either I'm a callous bitch or this film was really fucking moving. Maybe a little of both.

However, despite that, the movie was enjoyable in many ways. Ryan Gosling stars as a young man whose emotionally traumatic upbringing has brought him to a breaking point. And boy, does his stress manifest in an unusual way. Lars becomes infatuated with a Real Doll, believing her to be a live human being, and leaving his brother and pregnant sister-in-law (the adorable Emily Mortimer) completely bewildered and helpless. In desperation, they turn to a group of town elders, and Lar's friends and acquaintances (including a love interest) rally around him to see him through his delusion. While the extensive lengths they go through to accommodate Lars (and his plastic friend Bianca) seem dubious at times, the gestures are undeniably heart warming. You can't help but wish you had people to go to bat for you like Lar's family and friends do for him. After some sneaky therapy sessions (just watch, you'll understand) and an emotional scene between Lars and his brother, our troubled hero comes to have the emotional breakthrough needed to break out of his shell. While the ending is left open to question, you can't help but feel its at least going in the right direction.

You may find it distracting (as I did) to watch Patricia Clarkson play such a empathetic doctor after seeing her as the murderous headmaster in The Woods. Other than that, the casting was brilliant. Emily Mortimer is so likeable that you are immediately drawn into caring as much about Lars as she does. To watch her cope with Lar's mental health and her husband's guilt issues is one the most fascinating and endearing parts of the movie.

I highly recommend.

A Few Words About History Of Violence

Monday, January 12, 2009

OK so I finally got this movie last night after letting it sit on my dusty IKEA TV stand since late October. That's right. Late October. Thank Ceiling Human for Netflix.

Oh, boy. Part of me wishes I'd gotten to it right away, so the memory would be long forgotten. The other part of me rejoices in that I have su
ch a delightful steaming turd of a movie to review for this site. On a side note, when I typed the word "turd", I noticed that the spelling "terd" triggers my spellcheck on Firefox. So, the official spelling of the word turd is definitely a "u". You should log that valuable tidbit away for later.

Now, to the heart of the movie. Viggo Mortenson stars as an infuriatingly calm small town man, who seems to be harboring a deeply violen
t past as a mob hitman. Sounds promising, doesn't it? Unfortunately, the film never strays far from this concept. The pacing flectuates wildly, making the plot unpredictable, but in a bad way. It keeps us guessing, but only as to the absurd angle they are going to dart towards next. The character motivations are incredibly confusing, and a sex scene that basically amounts to soft core rape porn pushes all boundaries of decency, even more than the autopsy-like closeups of gorey bullet wounds and pools of blood. (A better title for this movie would have been "for those who like violence".) The wife of our conflicted hero (played by Maria Bello) continually confuses and disturbs as she wanders at random between victim and enabler. Both of the sex scenes seem pointless and lengthy, and, like the gratuitous violence itself, used to pad out otherwise plotless movie. And don't even get me started on the mob boss who seems to have Down's Syndrome and allows Tom to single handedly take down every mob goon in existance. Yeah.

There's violence done well, and then there's violence done as an attempt to cover your ass when you don't have anything better. Its obviou
s which category this movie falls in to.

On a scale of one to ten, I rate this movie negative steaming pile of dog shit. Its a shame too, 'cause Viggo's face is so damn bootiful. Save your money and time and rent a real gangster movie. Goodfellas will do.

Amazon users who bought History Of Violence also bought:

Val Kilmer, please kill yourself

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Batman Forever

Plastic nipples on the outside of their suits.



Honestly, I tried sitting through this movie last night to do a detailed review, and I just could NOT sit through it. It's just so fucking BAD.

Here's what people on are buying along with their beloved copy of Batman Forever:

I don't think I need to say anything else.


Movies That Can Blow Me from 2008.

The following films suck so bad they don't even get a few review to themselves.

These are mostly just my thoughts.

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull

Because you know Harrison Ford is so amazing he can survive a nuclear blast in a fucking refrigerator. Not to Mention Shia LeBeouf is in it, oh JOY. (Seriously will someone put that kid's head on a stick already? It's like, when I can't hate a movie enough, they say "Oh I know how to make this movie more annoying, lets hire that stupid prick from Even Stevens!!")


Yeah, because bullets can so do that.

Proof that you put that woman in ANY movie people will fucking watch it. Example: Life or Something Like It, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith (fucking stupid movie.)

Hellboy II - The Golden Army

It's like a bad porn. A slow build up to a weak cum shot. You wait and wait for this Golden Army, which takes centuries to get to, and then when they get to it, it isn't even badass. It's fucking lame.


I have to admit, I loved this movie at first, the beginning was a bit slow, but I can see why they did it. So I'm watching it, and liking it a lot, then, they get in the helicopter, and the monster attacks it and i think "SHIT YEAH AWESOME ENDING!" Then I realize, it's not the ending.

They survive the crash............ because THAT'S possible... and then for the rest of the film I feel like I'm being punched in slow motion.

I say, watch the movie, but after the helicopter scene, just turn it off.

The Happening

And I thought Signs was bad. Are you fucking kidding me? Wind that makes you commit suicide? At one point they are running... from the wind. Wind isn't scary M. Night.

At least I got a good lol.

The Strangers

Had potenial. When it got to the end, I got really annoyed, at least be a little enthusiatic when you kill them. They seemed bored. I'm sorry, but if I were them, and watching Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman be all mushy and crap, I'd start stabbing like crazy. Laughing the whole time. I'd just want to shut them up and play with their blood.

The Eye, Mirrors, Quarentine and any other foreign film remake.

Just stop.

Special shout out to The Uninvited for 2009, I fucking hate you. I haven't seen it, and I doubt I'll bother seeing it as it's a remake of one of my favorite Korean films, A Tale of Two Sisters. You're on the "Suck It" list regardless if I have watched you or not. You're an Asian remake, of course you'll suck. I've only seen a preview of the film and I can already tell that they've completely fucked up the storyline... and... Elizabeth Banks.... SERIOUSLY? How is anyone supposed to take this film seriously when most people will remember her pleasuring herself with a shower head in the 40 Year Old Virgin.

A full review coming soon, if you don't like it... get the fuck over it, I have a life.

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Welcome! You have stumbled upon the greatness that is my movie review page.

Most movies these days totally blow, and I am here to tell you which ones can suck it dry. In addition I will also review movies that kick my ass and then make passionate love to.


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