Revenge Of The Nerds

Monday, May 18, 2009

Classic 80s film that ushered in the "nerds are cool" era. Completely cheesy. Ends with what basically amounts to rape (seriously girls, isn't that rape? Being tricked into having sex with someone you'd otherwise never have sex with?), and Timothy Busfield playing a wireless violin that seems to double as a Yamaha keyboard. Watch only if you want to understand more Family Guy jokes.

That's about all you need to know.

Too busy....

Too god damn busy killing off Twilight "stars" to update. (Also I have a killer sinus infection.)

Johnny Depp approves.

Star Trek

Saturday, May 9, 2009

So, I just got a job at a movie theater. Which is most excellent because I am required to see every piece of crap movie that comes through there, NEW WRITING MATERIAL YAY!

Now I haven't seen Star Trek yet, but passing by the theater as the door opened while it was playing and hearing just the word, "CUPCAKE!" being screamed in a very serious tone, I can only assume it's chalk full of awesome...

So in honor of Star Trek, I give you this.

Until then, enjoy.


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Welcome! You have stumbled upon the greatness that is my movie review page.

Most movies these days totally blow, and I am here to tell you which ones can suck it dry. In addition I will also review movies that kick my ass and then make passionate love to.


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