
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Remembering to update this thing has been a royal pain lately. I just am waiting to come across something horrible as apposed to watching something I know will completely fail. But life seems so much more important.

I've been debating sitting through Twilight, because I think I might have WAY too much fun making fun of that movie. Yeah, why not, fuck it, I'm going to download it because I'd never spend a dollar on that shit and watch it and let you all know what I think, besides the book takes place and was filmed in a town right by where I grew up... too much fun.


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Welcome! You have stumbled upon the greatness that is my movie review page.

Most movies these days totally blow, and I am here to tell you which ones can suck it dry. In addition I will also review movies that kick my ass and then make passionate love to.


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