Bruno can suck it....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

...but you know he'd just love it TOO MUCH. Har Har.

I won't lie. I absolutely loved this film.

It was beyond hilarious.

It was shocking of course, more shocking the Borat even. I was so very uncomfortable for most of this movie... so you KNOW it's good.

The funny thing is, it's passed off as brainless humor just meant to shock, but in reality, it's actually fucking brilliant. It achieves the same thing as Borat, making people look like fucking idiots. Just instead of foreigners, it's with gays. But letting people's own words make them sound so foolish is just... priceless.

Homophobes are just too fucking hilarious.

There was an overall feeling of "We gotta top Borat" to the film, but it was achieved... greatly.

For 100% of the film, I was entertained. I loved how after 10 minutes people were already walking out. I work at the theatre and warned people of the severity of the film and they still took their children inside... only to RUN out 15 minutes later. We've done more refunds for this movie then any other one I've seen so far.

When people run from a film, you know it's awesome.

So... Sascha, I love you, I really do. Good job you win.


-gAk- said...

i know right?! I'm like, "No, you DON'T UNDERSTAND. This movie is NOT ok for kids."

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of when I went to go see American Wedding, the third American Pie film. I saw these two old folks in and turned to my date and said "how much you want to bet they have no idea what this movie is about and will leave within the first fifteen minutes". Sure enough, they left during the gay club scene.

-gAk- said...

that happens ALL the time at the theatre, I've gotten in the habit of warning them.

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