Mamma Mia!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I'm watching Mamma Mia right now. A few thoughts:

First off, I'm glad I didn't drag my friends to this film. I had amazing success cuckolding unsuspecting males into seeing the Sex and the City movie, and I was going to attempt said success again with MM. Looking back, I'm so glad I didn't. The only justifiable payback for putting a male-type through this movie is anal sex.

Second, I'm struggling to remember why I liked musicals so much as a kid. I suspect it has something to do with, um...that's all I was allowed by my fundamentalist parents to watch. Singing In The Rain, despite its themes of sabotage and Hollywood intrigue, was deemed suitable. Simpsons was not. I have a feeling I would have been absorbing South Park and Jackass had I been allowed, but as it was, this is the shite I had to put up with regularly.

But as I'm watching this I'm reminded of how embarrassing it is to watch musical numbers on the screen. Admit it. Its downright embarrassing.

There was actually a musical number with, inexplicably, a mariner playing the piano on the dock while throngs of middle aged women played air guitar.

Pierce Brosnan sounds vaguely like Borat when he sings. Nice.

Anyway, I'm sure this is decent enough. I'm just not entirely willing to find out. I was sure I'd worship this movie forever and own a copy and make mental love to it by watching it over and over and over but as it is...I just want to cry for every single person who signed up for it. Instead of replacing my dildo with it, I just want to use it as a clay pigeon during shooting practice.


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