You all OWE me for sitting through this shitpile.

Friday, March 20, 2009

and yes, there are spoilers, get the fuck over it.

Jesus fucking Christ. That was the longest two hours I've ever spent having to sit through the equivalent of watching a dog poo in slow motion.

So, Twilight comes out tomorrow on Dvd and BluRay, and I am here to tell you, please god, do not waste your money just to watch the thoughts of a lonely, possibly fat, girl from a small town expressing that the only reason the most popular guy in high school didn't like her is because he had to be a vampire... not because ya know... she's disgusting and from FORKS WAHINGTON.

Let me tell you all something about Forks, Washington. I grew up in the town next to it, in Port Angeles(which also makes an apperence in the film) and the way it has been protrayed in this film, is NOTHING like the actual place.

The father of Bella in the film was about the closest thing to someone resembling someone from Forks, Washington(just need some more mullet and incest).

Here's what Bella would actually look like driven in a fantasy world of vampires:

(actual photo of a Forks resident)

...and Edward?

Well... a flannel and a fucking rat tail. Omg wouldn't it be so fucking funny if he had one? GOD. "Let's go for a Vampire ride on my back and I can feel the wind flowing through my rat tail as it brushes into your face." HOT. He'd probably wear sneakers and sweat pants and always smelled like pee.

He's probably always have dirt on his face.

The reality of it is, Forks is a place of flannels, Rainer beer(which they did seem to get that right in the film) driving shitty cars with confederate flags...


I'm not racist, the city of Forks is, don't believe me? Visit there with a person of "color" and see how well you get treated.

I dated a guy once, and he had moved to my city and every time I asked him where he was from, he'd dodge the question.... eventually he told me he was from Forks. You know what I did?

I dumped him.

So.... trying to get past the fact that they tried to glamour up a hick town (and btw, every year Forks has prom in a barn. No I am not fucking kidding.), I continued to watch the film...

Both of these actors have the same acting range as Keanu Reeves.
In fact, if Keanu played as Edward and opposite himself in a wig as Bella, I guarantee this film would kick a lot more ass. HAHAHA

I quickly found numerous other problems. Such as, I am convinced the chick who played Bella(and wtf is up with her under bite.... it scared me), is a man. And I am also convinced that Edward likes it when she puts it in his butt.

Let's go for a Vampire ride... awwwwww yeahhhhhh.

Another issue I can't seem to ignore, why is it that it constantly looks like EVERYONE in the film is jizzing in their pants?

The plot was weak... and instead of vampires burning in the sunlight, on really nice days they get glittery skin.... I fucking rolled when he was covered in glitter all serious like, "This is what I am, this is the skin of a killer" LAWLZ!!!!! Or the skin of someone FABULOUS!!!!

That's it, the big secret skin. HA.

"It's like diamonds!" BLING BLING MUTHAFUCKA.

God then some other gay ass vampire want to drink her blood or whatever and Edward is all "I have to protect you" because the writer probably thought that the reason guys never touched her growing up was because they were practicing "self control and respect" when in reality that bitch had crabs.

I dunno, the day is saved and he controls himself by not drinking all her blood or some shit. At this point I was just begging for the credits to roll.

I guess if you're a 13 yr old girl pushing 250 lbs and dreaming of vampires and renaissance fairs, this book/movie is totally for you. If you're not a moron, you'll know to stay as far away as possible from this crap.

Oh man I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Don't do it. Just don't. Save yourself.

Wanna watch a GOOD vampire flick? Check out,"Let The Right One In." Now THAT is a good movie.



Anonymous said...

Such utter tripe. Another thing about Forks: they do actually have, like, Native Americans there. But the population of the town is too small for a story like this to ever take place there. There is nothing there, nothing to support anyone, barely even a town. And I say this having mostly grown up in a town of 4000. It is by far THE most backwoods trashpile to live on in the United States. Way to go Stephanie Meyer. Not only did you write a movie that was just one long PNW joke (OMG you moved here because its so overcast and you glitter in the sun! OMG! Its not as if she wrote that so her vampires could live a somewhat normal life while still being "vampires" not at all!), you had to go and set them in the worst place on Earth.

You know if Stephanie Meyers is FROM Forks, a lot of this would make sense.

-gAk- said...

I'd be fucking surprised if she wasn't from there. This movie/book had a better chance of making sense if it was based in Sequim.


Anonymous said...

Actually I agree, it would have been a lot better in Sequim. They had the sort of families and homes and setting you'd hope to achieve in a movie like that. Its the ONLY place on the Peninsula that does except maybe *maybe* Port Townsend.

-gAk- said...

Yeah Forks was just SUCH a bad choice.

Anonymous said...

You know, I remember one kid who had to move there, once. His dad went to work at the SALMON HATCHERY that was down there. Even with that oh-so-lucrative position, they had to come back to Port Angeles/Sequim

-gAk- said...


but oh god can you imagine all the weirdo Twilight fans it must have now? I mean Forks must have felt so damn awesome filming a movie there, and the next one as well. Now they probably have fans just oozing out of everywhere, OH GOD I BET SOME MOVE THERE.


a.l. said...

Wow. I have been avoiding this whole train wreck as much as possible, and therefore wasn't sure if the whole Forks thing was a joke, so -- I can't believe I'm admitting this -- I Wikipedia-ed the author and am stunned that she actually did pick that crap hole for a setting. W. T. F.?? Also, she is apparently a Mormon and got the story idea from a dream. Oh, and Forks has a "Stephanie Meyer Day." Am I hallucinating? Seriously?

Anonymous said...

Yeah she's Mormon, just another reason this story is better set in Sequim! Word.

Homegirl obviously never spent any real time on the OP before writing this story. Like I said...this setting could never sustain the characters or lifestyle she portrays.

-gAk- said...

LOL I saw that comment on wud... it was teh funny.

Thanks for reading!

hell yeah, I'm a harry potter fan and I get laid all the time hahaha

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